Privacy Policy

Colors and Braids is committed to protecting the privacy of all visitors to this private space. While we will certain personal information that is necessary, we respect and protect your right to privacy as mentioned below. The information collected is simply to enable us to contact you or for us to ensure a business relation with you when you make an order. This is solely for the purpose of being able to follow up on your orders in future, from us. We will not capture and store any financial details (like account or card numbers), other than the information related to your purchase or interest, and this is purely restricted to order, contact and preferences.

We collect information related to your session, contact and orders on your browser in the form of session storage or cookies. We do not share it with any third party, other than those necessary to deliver the product to you and marketing you new products. We may send marketing material in the form of emails or common digital mediums. We may also use information on your spending patterns to improve our service. Colors and Braids reserves the right to make alterations to this policy in the future without notice. It is recommended that visitors of this space acquaint themselves of this policy, before any usage of this website.

The above mentioned terms of this policy apply to We hope you agree to this Privacy Policy. In all other scenarios, your usage of this website is at your own risk!