Shipping Policy

Within India

We ship all orders within India without any shipping charges. We take 3-4 working days for processing and 5-7 working days to deliver the order to your address (If the item is ready)

Items on website might not be readily available with us! In such cases, it will take us 15 working days followed by the standard shipping time until you receive your order.

Please get in touch with us here, to know if your item is available with us in stock.

For customized orders, the standard time is 10-15 working days for processing and 5-7 working days to deliver.

We rely on the reach of our shipping partners. For this reason, there might be limitations and / or delays in shipping to certain remote locations. In such cases we will inform you of the expected delay due to shipping to your address.

There can be unforeseen events, like natural calamities, Pandemic situations (Covid-19) etc. that can add delay to shipments. In such situations, we would expect your cooperation in helping us make your parcel reach you.

Outside India

We also ship internationally, to major cities in US, Canada, UK, Australia, UAE etc. with the help of leading logistics partners.

For international shipping charges, please get in touch with us.